Wednesday, 11 January 2017


What are your talents?
1.           Sports, specifically basketball, soccer and athletics
2.           Used to play the piano
3.           Photography
What do you enjoy doing?
1.           I like to dance
2.           Read
3.           Community service
4.           Travelling
What skill or talent would you like to improve?
1.           Writing
2.           Public speaking
3.           Art
What are you already doing that could be part of your CAS?
1.           Photography
2.           Art
What would you like to be involved in?
1.           Something to do with art
2.           Digital design
Describe a time when you helped someone else or helped with a cause.
I helped through my CAS group CRC to renovate Unity Schools’ kitchen for them to be able to operate after being threatened by the government to be shut down.
Describe a time when someone helped you.
My supervisor from my trip to china gave me a lot of helpful advice about life in the media industry as well as how to succeed as a photographer.
About what issues do you have concern or feel most passionate?
Gender inequality, animals and their protection and LGBTQI rights are of really important issues to me that I am most passionate about.
Are there any local clubs or community associations in which you could be involved?
Not at the moment but in regards to what I am most passionate about, I think I would have to start it myself. I could also join the KSPCA
What would you like to learn more about?
What have you always wanted to try but haven’t yet?

Coding and also going on hikes with PA

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