Monday 9 January 2017


Activity Name / Description  
In School
Was it C, A, S or a combination?
Creativity x Service
Hours of CAS
2 Months
As an extension to my Service group Create Renovate Celebrate, I opened up a photography business where all the proceeds go to the service group. This is because we realised that for our group to function, we needed a lot more money because renovation is not cheap. At that moment, I was also getting a lot of requests for photo shoots and I wondered if I could charge people for it. I used the photo shoots I had done before to promote my work and people came rolling in.

I really enjoyed doing these photo shoots as I was able to practice my skill of photography and earn more money. I was able to find out which lights worked best and more about the functions of my camera. It was also pleasing to see satisfied customers; with them, I could market the business as they would give positive reviews which would seem genuine.
I also put up an instagram page where potential clients could go online and see the work done. I would put up the top 3 shots from the shoot and I would get a lot of positive feedback from people online who eventually become models as well. We added an additional fee for those who wanted their hair and make up done. This was done by fellow members of the group. We found that this increased the demand for photo shoots and also increased revenue for our CAS group CRC. Another way I advertised was by creating posters to put around the school. I think they were highly effective as more students got to know about it and were impressed with the pictures I took and used for the posters.

A problem we had sometimes was sticking with good time. I found that since I did my photo shoots on Sundays – the day that I have to study, it took up a lot of my time. We would sometimes take longer than we intended espescially with the hair and makeup. The price we charged was also by the hour and so even if we would go over time, the clients were reluctant to pay and there would be problems.

All in all however, it was a great experience and I enjoyed working with everyone who was involved. Maybe I will start it up again but the workload of DP2 may make it hard.

Supervisor: None (Independent project)

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